Call for Contributions

ICRA@40 • 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation

September 23-26, 2024 • Rotterdam, Netherlands

Join us at ICRA@40 for a special commemorative edition marking the 40th anniversary of the ICRA Conference, honoring four decades of groundbreaking research and innovation in robotics and automation. 

ICRA@40 is a four-day SINGLE-TRACK conference featuring plenary sessions, distinguished talks and debate panels to explore the past and envision the future with the most renowned academics and industry experts in robotics and automation.

Enjoy ICRA@40 industry-focused day, dedicated to unveiling cutting-edge advancements and technological breakthroughs, stimulating panels, a bustling job fair and vibrant startup showcases.

CFP for Late-Breaking Abstracts and Videos

We are seeking the submission of extended abstracts with new ideas that highlight innovative concepts, open-ended themes, and novel directions as well as videos that showcase novel results or summarise the achievements in the last 40 years in the field of robotics and automation. The emphasis should be on real robotics and automation systems. 

We encourage submissions from all areas of robotics and automation.

Dear Roboticists, due to many requests, the submission deadline for ICRA@40 is extended to July 7, 2024

Types of Submission 

Submissions for ICRA@40 have two types

1. Accepted Journal Papers

Papers accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), the IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM) and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)  will be given the possibility to present at ICRA@40.

2. Extended Abstracts

We welcome extended abstracts of up to 2 pages plus 1 page for references that describe novel results or research directions. Accepted contributions will be presented as posters and allocated a slot in the poster sessions (Refer to the programme). Accepted extended abstracts will be made available online but will not be published in IEEE Xplore.
All submissions must be in pdf and must follow the ICRA double column format. Templates are available at the IEEE RAS PaperPlaza Conference/Journal Management System.

Accompanying videos may be submitted, with submission guidelines:

A video that was NOT submitted with the initial submission of an extended abstract will NOT be accepted at a later date.

  • File size: up to 20MB
  • Format (only one of the following should be used): mpeg, mp4, mpg
  • Maximum duration: 180 sec.
  • Minimum height: 480
  • Minimum frame rate (fps): 20
  • Scan type: Progressive

Stand-alone Video Submission

We encourage submissions of stand-alone videos in the following themes:

  1. NOVELTY: novel scientific or technological breakthrough;

  2. HISTORY: most early examples of autonomous 40 years old or beyond;

  3. DIDACTIC: video with educational content, either summarising achievements in a domain or presenting a novel approach in a didactic/tutorial manner;

  4. FUNNY/UNCANNY: any video of unique, amusing, or unexpected nature.

The emphasis should be on real robotics and automation systems.

To submit a stand-alone video to ICRA@40, please refer to the following instructions:

  • Duration: 1-4 minutes.
Size: up to 50 MB.
  • Format (only one of the following should be used): mpeg, mp4, mpg
  • Maximum duration: 240 sec
  • Minimum video quality: 720p
  • Minimum frame rate (fps): 24
  • Codecs: Do not use special codecs in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. Any variance from the suggested formatting may result in difficulties playing the file on different platforms and could be blocked.
  • If recorded footage is sped up in the video, the speedup factor should be clearly indicated.
  • Audio is optional, but lack of audio should have minimal impact on the comprehension of the video.
  • Structure: The video must include at the beginning a video cover with the title, authors and affiliation and the credits at the end.

The submission of the videos will be through the electronic submission process via PaperPlaza.

Each video submission must be accompanied by a one-page description in PDF file format, using the smae paper template that are available here which includes:

  • title, authors, and affiliation
video category (regular video OR blooper)
200-word abstract, and
contact information

The selected videos (and the PDF descriptions) will be linked in the program. Videos will be displayed during the conference and to the public via social media and IEEE TV and may be used in the Robotics History project.

Distinguished Talk Abstract (by Invitation Only)

If you are an invited speaker, you can submit a maximum 1 page abstract and short biography as pdf via PaperPlaza

Accepted Journal papers

Papers accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), the IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM) and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)  presentation at ICRA@40. This applies to all non-evolutionary papers accepted from September 1 2023 until May 31, 2024. Upon notification of acceptance, authors are offered the option to select ICRA@40 for oral presentation. 

Important Deadlines

All deadlines are 11:59 PM Pacific time


Distinguished Talk Abstract and Bio Submission Deadline7-July-24
Transfer of Accepted T-RO, RA-L, RAM and T-ASE papers7-July-24
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline7-July-24
Stand-Alone Video Submission Deadline7-July-24
Notification of Acceptance Extended Abstracts15-July-24
Notification of Acceptance Stand-alone Videos15-July-24
Extended Abstract Final Submission Deadline31-July-24
Stand-alone Video Final Submission Deadline31-July24
Author Registration Deadline31-July-24
Early Registration Deadline31-July-24